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CiberLinux Networking

Thanks to the open architecture of the Linux operating system, we can create solutions that fit to that special kind of problem and offer products that solve them. Here are some of the products we have created.

Siberia Linux
If you're a user looking for an operating system that is very easy to use and that looks like "other" operating systems... this is not the place where you should be... If you're intrested with what you've read alredy, continue on.

CiberLinux is a distribution that grows from personal needs, needs that reflect on every Linux user: Power, configurability, elegance, small and simple systems, but able to take on any task. Most experienced Linux users are not looking for a simple tu use and configure system... they look for beautifull systems of high performance and above all, fast and robust.

In the last year, some Linux distributions have come out that look to emulate "other" platforms or easier to use but sacrificing the singular characteristic of Linux like configurability and versatility. We at CiberLinux believe that we need a Linux distributions for Linux users.

We didn't start from scratch, that would be ignoring months (even years!) of hard work of Linux enthusiasts around the world. We took one distro: The base installation is not to impress, it's actually less than 30MB. Looking for a Web Server? That's what you'll get, No more. The same with DNS servers, Samba Servers, print servers... only what you need.

Looking to develop innovative software? You can do it. There are a lot of languajes from where to choose, you just install those you need, instead of a lot of packages that you're never going to use. Looking for a workstation that's also eye-candy? A light system, optimized for your machine? You'll also have it.

How does it look? Our default setting is with Enlightenment (E, Epplets ad EFM). That's all. If you want more, there is GNOME. Both packages with their most recent versions. (Release or CVS, it's your choice!).
We have taken special precautions in the selection of packages for the distribution, nothing comercial, only open stuff: GPL/LGPL, BSDish, MIT, Artistic, and OpenSource variants as well as public domain stuff.

CiberLinux is also free (as in freedom) and free (as in free beer) to copy and distribute. All software created by CiberLinux Networking is included under the GPL license.

Concerned with updates? Looking for the bleeding edge stuff? CiberDeck is an application that lets you be updated and maintains the installation updated with what's available, even CVS! We are not afraid to include developer versions of your favorite software in our distribution.

Because we are based on Linux Mandrake (wich itself is based in RedHat Linux), you can use RPM's for package administration. This means that it's possible to use any RPM package.

Do we have support? Yes in deed. We have diffrent rates depending on the level of support you need and the necesities of the user. There's also one special CiberLinux distribution optimized for i386 (Siberia on the Beach), i586 (Siberia on the Rocks) or 1686 (Siberia). There's no discrimination between a "commercial" version and a "free" version. They're the same. You can download, use, copy, modify or even sell CiberLinux!

Power to the people.

Copyright © 2000 CiberLinux Networking.
For more information: info@ciberlinux.net.
If you prefer to our phone: +52 (61) 75-71-95.
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